About Us

Who We Are

ONCourse Global is an Atlanta-based business founded by global talent management and career and life coaching expert, and speaker, Jackie Curvan.

Today, companies face increasingly complex business challenges amid a global war on talent. To succeed, organizations must be future-focused, with a watchful eye on talent engagement and retention. As they grow and evolve, many companies invest in external talent search firms and online recruitment services to locate and attract the best talent; but fail to follow through with a clear change management plan to manage, engage and retain their talent. We help you select and focus on the right competencies, coaching, and development tools to maintain engagement, maximize retention, and keep your business on course for success!

Our expert team of professionals brings real-world, global business experience, and diverse industry knowledge. Because we have lived in your world, we have an insider’s view of your business and talent challenges. ‘We get it’…which means our team can quickly get up to speed to understand your specific needs and partner with you to develop viable, transferable solutions to support your company’s talent and business goals. 

Get ready to be inspired and motivated to break down barriers and achieve your goals with creative solutions tailored exclusively for your business and culture by the exceptional ONCourse Global team.

We’re ready when you are….contact us today!

Let us help you keep your business, career, and life goals on course for success!

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