Team, Peer, Career, & Life Coaching
Our Coaching Solutions
Whether you are having challenges on the job, experiencing conflict with a leader, team member or peer, changing jobs, in transition, or simply have come to a crossroad in life and need help getting back on course; our professional coaches can help with peer, group or individual coaching support to help you, your group or team regain focus and so you can get things back on course for success.
If you are a project leader; we understand the challenges and impact of team dysfunction. When teams do not work together effectively; productivity declines, leading to missed deadlines and increased project costs. Our professional, certified coaches at ONCourse Global will work with you or project managers and the team to address the issue(s) to provide coaching support to help you attempt resolution, so that the focus shifts from the conflict and returns to the achievement of critical business goals.
Individual life and career coaching are also available to provide support to help you regain focus and achieve your personal goals!
We use a comprehensive, results oriented process, called the Life Purpose Process© in our coaching approach to help you regain focus and regain clarity so that you can chart a course to successfully achieve your goals. Our conflict resolution coaches are trained conflict management professionals who will work with you to attempt resolution and restore harmony to get you, your team or project back on course.
Contact us today and discover the power of Career, Team and Life Coaching!
Our confidential coaching solutions include:
• Career Coaching
• Team Coaching
• Life & Transition Coaching
• Peer & Team Conflict Coaching
For more information or details about how our ONCourse Global Coaching Solutions may benefit you, your team or group, contact us today!