Captain's Log

Jackie Curvan

Dreams Are Open Doors

Dreams are open doors to a world of possibilities. But dreams will remain dreams If you never open the door. Have faith in yourself and your dreams. Now open that door and claim your destiny. It’s your season to shine! ~ Jackie Curvan

Jackie Curvan

Break Free and Soar

Procrastination is the enemy of success. It hampers your progress. And keeps you shackled In a paralyzing grip of indecision. Break free of its hold And soar like the eagle you are! ~Jackie Curvan

Jackie Curvan

The Promise of Today

Believe in yourself and the promise of each new day.Life is a priceless gift from God, designed for a unique purpose!Just as a flower turns to catch the morning sun,We must be equally deliberate, equally boldIn finding our purpose.Change is just an opportunity to learn, reflect,And adjust your course. ~Jackie Curvan

Jackie Curvan

A True Course to Success

The road to success has many routes.Do not allow others to define your course.Your destiny and purpose in life will map out the way.Look within and not without for direction.Never give in or give up!Let your unrelenting drive and faith Lead you forward on a true courseTo success and happiness! ~Jackie Curvan

Jackie Curvan

Conquering Mountains

Conquer your mountains,And they will become the valleysUpon which you walk to your destiny!Resolve to Do the Impossible! ~Jackie Curvan

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