Captain's Log For Individuals

A collection of Wisdom, Inspiration, Motivation to balance your journey by your Captain and others. Visit often & Enjoy!

Jackie Curvan

No Expiration Date

Success does not have an expiration date.So, do not place limits on your ability to succeed.Success is ageless and timeless.And as vast as your faith and imagination allow.Remove negative influences and images from your lifeThat seek to hinder and hold you back.They may hide in plain sight,Posing as friends, colleagues, and loved ones.But let nothing stop you and stay on course.Because no matter how long it takes,No matter the obstacles, barriers, or setbacks,If you continue to do the workAnd keep pushing on the ‘wall of success,’It will eventually fall and embrace you;Because success has no expiration date! ~Jackie Curvan

Jackie Curvan

Childish Creativity

Think, envision, and create as a child creates; Without perceived barriers, limitations, or fear. And you will succeed, Beyond your wildest dreams!

Jackie Curvan

Deferred Dreams

Waiting is challenging, especially when you are eager to move forward. So often, out of frustration, some people take the leap before their time and fall on the doorsteps of failure. Patience, hope, and hard work are excellent ingredients for success; use them often. Although a deferred dream may appear dead, it simply waits for the right season. So hang in there, do the work, and get ready to soar!

Jackie Curvan

Faith Propels

Fear limits while faith propels you forward. Have the faith to keep moving and rise to the call of destiny. got this!

Jackie Curvan

Reflection: The Power of Personal Inventory

Happy New Year’s Eve, and Welcome to a whole new year of possibilities! As we prepare to welcome in 2022 and wave goodbye to 2021, take a purposeful “time out” to reflect on your personal growth during the year. With the chaos of the times and pace of our busy lives, taking time to reflect is not a priority for most people. Yet, studies show that reflection is a highly productive and rewarding activity. When we pause to reflect on our actions, behaviors, and observations, a light is cast in the darkness enabling us to grow, evolve, and find meaning;

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