Captain's Log For Businesses

A collection of Wisdom, Inspiration, Motivation to balance your journey by your Captain  and others. Visit often & Enjoy!

Jackie Curvan

A True Course to Success

The road to success has many routes.Do not allow others to define your course.Your destiny and purpose in life will map out the way.Look within and not without for direction.Never give in or give up!Let your unrelenting drive and faith Lead you forward on a true courseTo success and happiness! ~Jackie Curvan

Jackie Curvan

Exceptional Performance By Design

The debate on the value of traditional performance appraisal programs has been going on for many years. Based on a Gallup survey, only 14% of employees strongly agree that their review inspires improvement of their performance, yet the overall costs of the annual review process can range from $2.4 million to $35 million a year in lost working hours.* Given the sizeable investment, it is important to ensure that your company’s review program effectively promotes engagement, inspires exceptional performance, and contributes to organizational success.  To Change or Not to Change? With years of negative feedback from leaders and employees alike

Jackie Curvan

Leading Successful People-Focused Change

Disasters are costly, disruptive events that result in severe damage to the economy, the environment, property, and death. Hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and pandemics are clear examples of disruptive events. In less than a year, the COVID-19 global pandemic caused widespread loss of lives, damage to the economy due to business closures, supply chain disruptions, and soaring US unemployment rates. As companies grapple with these challenges and the impact on business operations and profitability, senior leaders are making the difficult decision to change direction. If this happens, it will be important to develop a clearly defined, people-focused change management plan

Jackie Curvan

Leading with Impact in Times of Uncertainty

A tornado spawned from Hurricane Isaias, touched down in Bertie County, North Carolina, and left in its wake a path of destruction. As impacted families recover from this disaster and begin the recovery process, whom can they look to for leadership and guidance in the aftermath of this life-changing storm? In times of uncertainty, whether in personal life situations or business, strong, effective leadership is vital to maintain safety, trust, confidence, and morale. The COVID-19 global pandemic is changing the face of the workplace, perhaps forever, and to be effective, leaders must rise to a new level of leadership. Leaders

Jackie Curvan

Uncharted Waters: Managing the Shifting Tides of COVID-19

In business and life, change is the one constant. Like the shifting tides in the ocean, the impact of change can be unpredictable. Effective management in the face of a crisis requires robust and focused leadership to overcome unforeseen challenges and remain on course. Yes, it is a fact that business is no stranger to change! But as the saying goes, “Life is what happens when we are busy making other plans.” With the introduction of the COVID-19 global pandemic, we find ourselves in uncharted waters. COVID-19 seized our world, shifted our focus, and forced us to create a “new

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