The PERLE APPROACH to Mastering Difficult Performance Discussions©
The PERLE APPROACH to Mastering Difficult Performance Discussions ©
Program Summary
Successful teams, recognized by their track record of high productivity and consistent results, do not happen by accident. Leaders play a crucial role in the development of successful teams. When a team member’s performance is off course and falls below established standards, leaders must take immediate action to return performance to acceptable standards. While it may be tempting to avoid the discussion; especially when dealing with a difficult team member; successful leaders understand the importance of timely discussions and team member accountability to maintain high performance and acceptable performance standards.
This lively, hands on and engaging learning experience equips leaders or aspiring leaders with the confidence to have difficult performance discussions, successfully; using the PERLE Approach™.The program includes detailed techniques and guidelines for holding difficult discussions, engaging, facilitated, hands-on practice activities and post-work activities to support continuous learning and mastery after the learning experience. This program is available in classroom or e-learning format. Follow up coaching sessions are also available as an optional post-learning addition. If you feel you dread or avoid difficult discussions with members of your team, don’t miss this important learning opportunity!
Contact us today for more details and scheduling information.